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Beehive Deep Dive and Learn (12:30pm-2:30pm)
The Lafayette Community Garden and Outdoor Learning Center
3932 Mount Diablo Blvd.
Lafayette, CA 9
3932 Mount Diablo Blvd.
Lafayette, CA 94549
Registration Info
Registration is closed - Event is full
25 Total Slots
Event is full
About this event
Member Education invites you to participate in our first in-person Beehive Deep Dive and Learn of 2025 on Saturday, February 15th from 12:30-2:30 p.m. at the Lafayette Community Garden MDBA Apiary. Weather permitting, we’ll do the following hands-on activities:
- Identify hive components and key features in a colony
- Perform a basic hive inspection and mite check
- Check for available stores (i.e. pollen and honey) and adequate space in a colony
- Demonstrate how to assemble a swarm trap
If you’re interested in assembling your own swarm trap and have extra equipment lying around, bring an empty hive box, bottom board, hive top, and frames. For new beekeepers who may not have old comb to use in the trap, I’ll bring some (“clean”) old comb to share. We’ll practice preparing and configuring the frames, bait our traps with attractant, and discuss trap placement.
Please bring your own PPE (Personal Protective Equipment). If you do not yet have your own PPE, please email Ian Thomas-Bignami- in advance.
Register online by logging-in to the website, clicking on “Event Calendar”, click on the February 15th Beehive Deep Dive & Learn event link, and then the “Register Now” button (on the right side of the webpage). Please note, you must be logged-in to the MDBA website under your account ("Member Login") to complete attendance registration.
Please park at the far east end of the parking lot.
If you have any problems or need any assistance, please email Ian Thomas-Bignami-
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